Ah Choon Wong's comment on YTLPOWR. All Comments

Ah Choon Wong
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超人超人…. 早安….Most Investors are driven by greed and panicked by fear, which is why so many lose so much during market upheavals. It’s also why so few gain so much.
What separates the winners from the losers ? People who remain calm, focused, and analytical during market up and downs always come out top—and snatch the losses from whose who panic…..
Quote by Robert Koppel….Chaiman and CEO of Chicago Mercantile Exchange…..
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Lee HY
finally power turn
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Quincy Lim
Yeah finally ur power plant starts functioning
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2 counter up gaogao, kfc become abalone
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Ah Choon Wong
Data center functioning soon and later will use Nvidia’s software Cuda to do AI application , its a long term investment and will benefits over a long period of time…..
2 Like · 7 months · translate
Jonz Wikk
let's see it go to 5
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Ah Choon Wong
2024 一月份开始,天然气价都在 2.00 以下,发电成本低了,新币强,对它来说也是利好 !
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Simon Chong
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Ah Choon Wong
天气这么热,新加坡也是,冷气和风扇会开用多吗 ?如果是,用电更多了 !
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春兄,马来西亚data centre 的cooling system 是自已处理的还是out source 出去的??
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Kevin Yap
ACW...kiki....i know what u mean oooiiii
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wessex water 现时还在亏钱,随着4 月1号的水费调涨和即将来临的美联储降息,ytl power 应该再迎来新一坡的盈利爆增??
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Ah Choon Wong
Alibili chg, 早安,cooling system 大概率是 out source 出去,用电是自己的 renewable energy, Kulai YTL 買了幾百亩地用耒装太阳能发电。
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Ah Choon Wong
Alibili chg….. 假如你是 Total Reset , 就恭喜你了…….
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Ah Choon Wong
Ok 没问题 !!!!!
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Simon Chong
红红的一天 几时才会青呢
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Kevin Yap
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Ah Choon Wong
非洲狮,all in 也要看時机吧 ?马来年要到了,吃饱賣包等机会吧,
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我也是在等机会二轮进场YTL CW.....真是考耐心。
2 Like · 7 months · translate
ACW兄 你的小野猫小号呢?别忘了他哦
自己小野猫回答自己acw的tripadvisor copy cat --> 大家自己下面的link ACW 果然天下无敌
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哈哈哈 被捉到了 买warrannt ! 小刀据大树!!!全部推销不见的时候 又是进场的时候了?
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Ah Choon Wong
買 Warrants 有什么问题 ? 会玩赚更多 !
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Kevin Yap
no wrong no wrong, i love warrant ACW....
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Simon Chong
ACW 有什么故事哦 好像很精彩这样
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Ah Choon Wong
西门,你问 阿伯烂,ytlpower 1.26 時,那時候开始精彩 !
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Ah Choon Wong
砍什么 ? 我成本 0.78 ………….
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Ah Choon Wong
西门小老弟,你今天很忙吗 ?
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Kevin Yap
Busy buying oooi
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Ah Choon Wong
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Ah Choon Wong
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Kevin Yap
Indeee, ACW.. Thanks for your kind sharing
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Ah Choon Wong
The stock market cares little about the past, including the status of the company.
What it cares about is the future , namely earnings and growth……

How much ? How long ? and How certain ?

Profitability,sustainability, and visibility represent the most influential factors that move stock prices………
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2 Like · 6 months · translate
Ah Choon Wong
1 Like · 6 months · translate
Ah Choon Wong
你知道我在等你吗 …. 台湾哥手,張洪量!
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Edison Cheah
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Simon Chong
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哈哈哈哈 一起笑他们!!!!!!
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Jonz Wikk
ytlpwr no power lately
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Simon Chong
大家还有加票买吗 等下越来越下哦
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Ah Choon Wong
非常獅,你是迟到之人,一年前左右我 1.26 買 ytlpower, Albert Len 还笑我 ……
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Albert Len
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Ah Choon Wong
最说我抓不紧,我在1.55 賣了。全部拿去買 Ytlpower-C26,C-33,C-38, 小刀锯大树,让我赚个满堂红。哈哈哈 !
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Albert Len
今年年尾再总结吧 !到底是赚个满堂红还是成绩满堂红!哈哈哈
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Bee Leong Teoh
Ytl power 付钱的假期真是爽,,,,haha......
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Ah Choon Wong
Teoh , 对啦 21/4 去九寨沟,用 ytlpower call 赚到的钱也真是爽,8150.00 苹果豪华团…….
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Bee Leong Teoh
恭喜你啦,大家假期开心,最重要的是让tan sri 付钱,,,kakaka...
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Ah Choon Wong
Albert Len, 旅游回耒,再战股市,是不是满堂红,到时候就知 !
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Albert Len
参加什么毫华團哦!去找小李! 他带你富遊整个Europe
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Ah Choon Wong
阿伯烂,Europe 去过三次了 .…. How To Trade In Stocks by Jesse Livermore, 就是在 Cambridge U 的書店買到的, 当时也只有一本。
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Albert Len
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Ah Choon Wong
阿伯烂江恩录……………烂就是了 !
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Ah Choon Wong
一百多年了,股市永远不会变,有人亏也有人赚,自己的心态更重要吧 !
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Albert Len
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我应该是最迟到的那位, YTL Power 买在1.70++, YTL Corp average 在 2.30....现在等机会加码YTL-C79, 尝试春兄的小刀据大树。。。YTL Power 买在1.70 时也是被vasabi 老姨那帮网军取笑说买在高楼。。。当时却是高楼,现在已变低楼了。
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打仗了明天会不会暴跌??我自私的心态希望YTL 暴跌让我狠狠的加码!!!!
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Kevin Yap
Good morning ACW...time to come back KL lo....
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Ah Choon Wong
Kevin good morning, highway still got many cars, stop at Bidor for Wantan Mee ………
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Kevin Yap
song! wan tan mee with chicken feet is the best!
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Ah Choon Wong
Many investors’s ‘cognitive biases’ 认知的徧差towards old industrial stocks lead them to missed the boat…..
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JJason Lim
Initiate coverage by Nomura at Buy; several levers for growth in the future We initiate coverage of YTL Power International (YTLP) with a Buy rating, and an SOTP-based TP of MYR5.70 (24% implied upside).
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Albert Len
当初我买Pwrwell 也是认知的偏差!哈哈哈
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哇 分析员 给出了6.25的目标价
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Ah Choon Wong
离开了四五个月,回来看看吧 !
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Oliver Queen333
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Oliver Queen333
Also need your advise on genC2D byk susah oh
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Ah Choon Wong
Oliver Queen 333…

GenC3D can switch to GenC3F …………
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Mamamiagroup07 Mamamiagroup07







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Ah Choon Wong
这种股是 quantitative traders 说了算…..高賣低買,低買高賣,就看你的资本及Timing 了 !
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Ah Choon Wong
今天大盘成交量超过3B, 是反弹向上的信号吧 !
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Ah Choon Wong
再差两三分就四塊了,看图看不对吧 !
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chat strip
不对啊 开始跌了….
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Ah Choon Wong
今天会破四塊吗 ? 加油,加油 !Total 一直都是看走眼了 !
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lim zw
等了一个月多的v形防弹 不要这样快停le 我在4楼哈哈哈
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Kevin Tam
YTL power 东风来,还能涨回$4.40-4.50吗?
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Kevin Tam, all go to China & HK market. hardly to rise back in short term or next week unless China & HK market are no longer bull run. the fund maybe come back to KLSE.
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Ah Choon Wong
總成交量超低啊,反转向上了吗 ?
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Calix Ng
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Stewart Law
我在RM3.40 等你.....I.o.l
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Ah Choon Wong
Calix Ng…. 以它这样的盈利,和其它蓝筹股相对比,应该是低估值了。
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Doc M
When it is 800M or 1B of profit in a quarter , it is really a cheap valuation for a company to hit min 500M per quarter for a share price of Rm3+ given all other factors remaining unchanged
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Calix Ng
ACW你说得对目前确实是低估了,虽然马币升了会影响利润,但是有很多地方可以回补。而且高利润的DC center还在发展中。
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Acw都被套牢了当然说好咯 下跌股越买越跌 不好傻傻
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Hoseh Liau
Director son keep buying as of announcement today. If results not good, why they still doing open market purchase.
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Tiong C.B.
buy 20 liap only. somemore annoucement one months ago
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Hoseh Liau
You need to sum up the whole month.
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lee keng lu
This insider trading very small number only and just a duit kopi only for big company.
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Kevin Tam
卖了YTL power,跑去买Sunway, 大众银行的。。不懂是对还是错的方向。。大众银行4年也只是从4.00-4.08爬到4.60-4.70….
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Hoseh Liau
TA Securities believe YTL Power Bhd (KL:YTLPWR) (Buy, TP: RM6.39) is one of the beneficiaries of potential RE exports to Singapore, having an advantage of existing generation and retail operations in the Singapore market.
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lee keng lu
This TA Securities came up this news to trap you by releasing their holding to you before it collapses to below 3. Becaful.
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Hoseh Liau
I'm investing based on intrinsic value. Furthermore, company insiders are buying, so it shouldn't be bad. Tomorrow will be announcement of budget 2025. Good prospect ahead and incentive coming.
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Calix Ng
lee keng lu i don think so。TA target price it is base on next quater profit and pe。but the stock price is Market Contro。it is funny for short term。
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Kevin Tam
Lee Keng lu, how about Sunway .. Do u think TP of 4.70-5.10, fair n normal ?? TA securities, Kenanga , Public research, Bimb n so on , all not top 4 research houses of Malaysia…
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Ds Teoh
All institutions and IB are trappers and stupid, only the man - lee keng lu understand everything and you all should listen to him , if not y’ll might lost $$$ . Haha
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Elton Chan
All give so high TP to trap people a? Looks at GENETEC, Cimb gave TpP3.6, now 0.77 only. Never trust IB hahaha.
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Choong Wc
MACC lai liao?
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Doc M
I think you just want YTLP down by sharing this . Good job .mission achieved
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