Ah Choon Wong

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Interested in Political Science and Investment which are very much intertwin.

Joined May 2021


Kevin good morning …

Market consolation still on, but the party for AI and Data Center is going as before.
Will ijm and ijm- C83 join the party ?
Maybe can look at one small counter DFX which have some contracts from TM on data center and IT jobs ….….buyn dips ….
1 hour · translate
This week alone , i have taken D2,D24, Musang King , 黑刺 and 红虾…
D2 and D24 25 per kg, Musang King 37 per kg , 黑刺 60 per Kg and 红虾 35 per kg ….
15 hours · translate
成交量和成交值不会骗人 !
15 hours · translate
外资撤吧 ……… 哈哈哈 !
16 hours · translate
成交量和成交值跌很多,有限公司 !
16 hours · translate
‘量化策略’ 以数据科学和系统技术为基础,其中一些使用大数据来把握市场时机、跟踪趋势或执行套利交易。
20 hours · translate
这次业绩差,fund 推上去,很大概率是让它们半年的 fund 好看一点吧 !
20 hours · translate
我等着看,希望它下季业绩不要像这季这么糟糕 !
20 hours · translate
知道就好….Andre Kastolany 更多的是看宏观吧 !
20 hours · translate
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