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what is natgate's role in this supply chain, Adama. A reseller? or assembly/manufacturing? If reseller, makes sense that ppe is limited, just buy from nvidia and sell to someone else - high inventories, high receivables. If assembly/manufacturing, seems to be world class assembly/manufacturing process given the low capex growth and yet significant revenue growth.
oem where they manufacture & assemble the server and sell it under their own brand name. They dont need high capex but high working capital because one complete server easily cost over a million ringgit.
Dont join group better.. you want lose money on other investing idea or your own. Also.. where you got see 80% people made money copy other idea or from newspaper.
I am not concerned with which bank, TN. Its rare to see high ROIC low margins - it's like super efficient use of assets, super lean operations, world class efficiencies, and a low margins business.
Ask yourself, why no guru ask their student invest in Hibiscs? They teach FA...but the best FA in bursa also no people want to buy. Why ? Real Investing is investing in hibiscs and collect dividends until shares price appreciate. It is so simple. But people want to play goreng stocks.. FOMO.. FIFO... Over optomistic growth... hahaha... dont trust any guru better.
Lol.. you are right cheng..good eye as always.. somehow they are able to get special part, put company sticker and sell high ... ahemm... i think we got a big story here!!!!!! Why customer want to buy a burger with a sticker with a such a high price... burger ganja?
wait wait wait, if the fund is not pool, how they determine whose account get trade first, if they determine you are the last, then you will be the waterfish always buy high sell low especially on a low liquid stock, is that even legal
Poh you must know that who had brought all us to the crowded area. A professional institution should know better then us. We pay money because we want to be safe. Someone had claim they are the best research house. This is our hard earned money. They use big mouth we use money.
Someone shared the list of stocks yesterday I think. Didn't notice any growth stocks in the list. Well, definition of growth stocks can be different for different people.
you can scroll up. there's a list of stocks quoted yesterday and I am not sure whether is it related to the gp & chen jian? Most of the conversations are in chinese.
Whole market fall in very bad sentiment. Not only Natgate.
This week Bank Negara will announce OPR, forecast the rate will drop 0.5%. Bank Negara will save our Bursa. As long you hold your position and last till end of this week, you are winning already, this bearish market is to punish those who over leverage and being force sell.
GP is very terrible and horrible finances adviser. Most of us are in the same both. Last time I join tyy but end up same and gp also the same..... Sad. Is all our hard earned money.