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Wow congratulations 30% profit. Last all students was told to buy at 2.30 is mean you all are not chen jian students. Chen's jian students still staying 2.3 high floors. Now still can't see chen jian too high floor. Hahaha....
上天赐予人类donald trump是有原因的,就是让大家focus on working hard,而不是每天炒股票。四月二号,就是恶意满满的reciprocal tariff的一天。什么是对等?他认为的对等可能是你国家set的gst或者sst也算是对他们国家的一种关税。或者中间的运输费他认为应该归零,我们这些小国家应该thank the president for letting the goods in,所以要把全部的运输费吃完,所以他需要用关税,让你照做。
如果说美国公司想把tariff转嫁给消费者好啦,他们也不敢一口气直接把价格拉升那么多,所以就会找生产商跟运输商一起扣这个扣那个看看能不能还保持原价卖给美国的consumers。中国就是他们要bully的对象,大公司比如walmart或者costco就有商量的余地,小公司就真的完蛋了,顶多可以ask for single digit discount,而且量要大哦。比如最近walmart尝试压中国厂商,结果被北京叫去问话了。毕竟他们在中国有山姆超市,还是需要中国这个大市场贡献业绩的,所以你觉得他们会怎么做?
当你还以为关税是谈判的手段时,我强烈建议你们去看All in podcast,或者找summary读,看看bessent跟lutnick这两条不搞事不爽的部长们说了什么让其他国家比如大马,这个只有3千万人口的小国,注定要靠出口找吃的小国有什么影响。老美的gdp爆炸,我们的gdp也会跟着爆炸。老美让油价爆跌,我们的gdp也会爆跌。三根柱子:电子,汽油,棕油。任何一个爆炸(除了棕油以外,因为老美跟棕油没什么关系),马来西亚都会hailat。然后就是,他们宁可进入衰退都要这么胡搞吗?我的看法是no,他们会立刻改,就像elon的作风那样,做什么都乱乱来,遇到问题才一个一个解决。到最后,美国政府会好像twitter那样,变得高效率,只不过中间会非常痛苦,也没人知道会痛苦多久哈哈哈哈
imagine that all car price is 50% cheaper for the rest of your life and your childs' life...Suddenly all B40 and M40 will have much lesser hire purchase debt and everyone has extra money to spend...
Over the long run, the only losers are local car manufacturers and financial institutions and cronies...
Hope for the best (reduce/remove the import duties) , prepare for the worst (reciprocal tariffs), Adama. Being hit by reciprocal tariffs for Malaysia means the top exports to US will be slapped with tariffs, and the top exports are E&E products :)
Yes, it is Adama. Darkest before dawn for tech sector in Malaysia; its already in bear market and the looming potential reciprocal tariff could be a double whammy or a two-sided coin :)