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most probably London boy needs to dispose icap shares until holding 20% because the court has made a judgement that if London boy holds more than 20%, the most voting right for him is only 20%..
why need to sustain the share price? I am looking forward for a bargain buy, for holding long term, the cheaper the better. the dividend yield can compensate the gap between share price and Nav
COL (City of London) holds 22% of outstanding shares held after disposing ICAP shares, while CDAM (Capital Dynamics) adds 19% to outstanding shares and holds 1.8% at present, according to investor stock services.
City boy dumps shares probably because he has only 20% voting right. To judge this statement is right then you need to notice whether after dumping to 20% will he still continue to dump or not..
8 top holdings in term capital investment is:-
1) Kgb(investment status till now-profit )
2)Padini (profit)
3) Sam (Profit)
4) Capital A (loss)
5) United Plantation (profit)
6) F & N (loss)
7) Suria (profit)
8) Hibiscus (loss)
ya, Icap bought Globetronic @ around RM1.++(guess base on QR data 31 Aug 24) for 1,200,000 shares and sold somewhere between Sept 24 to 30 Nov 24@ RM0.9 to RM 0.50(guess)
Ttb cannot admit his mistake la.
He always use glove as an example to show how good he predicted the plunge of glove stock.
When people ask him during AGM regarding the lost about BioHdlg, salute, Parkson krono. He said this is small lost in total pro-folio. He cannot admit his mistake.
Bio lost 11m
Krono lost 11m
Worse than glove stock
Attend 1 time enough the AGM
Krono n parkson are his mistake. He normally doesn't speculate, that explained why he didn't buy glove counters during 2020 even he known they would go up then would drop for 1-2 years.
no one can get 100% right on stock selection, if he can do 60% right pick ( which I think he did more than that) ,then the combination can grow healthy in long term.
Warren Buffett not 100% also, so is Munger.
No one can get 100% right. This is true.
The problem here is, when he is right, he keep repeating how good his analysis, how bad people invest in glove stock. 马后炮。
When people ask him the bad investment he did, he just said this is part of my small investment. He don’t want to explain more, he can’t face it.
He also said Icap fund return very good cause cannot invest in US share.
The fact is, look at all his global profolio, some even worse than FD Return.