Tui Ho Wang

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Joined Jul 2019


@fork dato daud mentioned that the wte already kira officially cod and generate revenue since that day
1 year · translate
latest news from the group ceo, the wte has finally achieved COD on 13th december, and awaiting for the cod certificate from the authority
1 year · translate
haha people will take this golden chance to create fear
1 year · translate
vespasiam where d u get the news? i thought kelantan government just announced already settled 90% last two days ?
1 year · translate
statement from mohd faiizul is actually extracted from teo kok seong张聒翔 a politician in negeri sembilan.
You can go check from his fb page
1 year · translate
ya i have seen a full page of news about leaking garbage waste (from newspaper ,in negeri sembilan section)
2 years · translate
Hi, got any extra insider news? i heard ltm wte started operation on 17 sept
2 years · translate
thanks for the info
just wondering how did u get the info xD
let's wait for tomorrow's quarter release and CEO guidance
2 years · translate
u mean today 4pm or tomorrow ?
2 years · translate
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