All Comments on WASCO Reload

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Fisher aka 小白
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151,new entry, nice to meet you
Tiong C.B.
刘德华。老板有margin account. 如果压到太低会不会margin call?只能慢慢卖。。
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lau andy kok chong
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Harry ENG
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been waiting silently for price slightly lower than your recent trading price :) Now that the report is out, there will be another 3 good months before the next performance report. Unlikely to get the price that I wanted since the report is out now. All is well.
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lau andy kok chong
glad to hear that.....,..
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Cyril Sia
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1.20 possible this week? plan to buy part
Benjamin Chang
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No eye see. Sold all and bye bye wasco
chu khoon
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Lower low. Be careful
Goh Leng Pheow
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going to privatization???
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Goh Leng Pheow
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Benjamin Chang
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Whole malaysia market green today, only wasco red DNS
Benjamin Chang
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Tiong C.B.
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Wasco dealing with energy with 3.2billion order book in hand currently. worth to buy to try?
It's half way through to where it should be :)
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Tiong C.B.
wasco become cheaper.
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