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cheap kia, Happy Chinese New Year. hope this year u can regain ur lost about 90% last year. wish u can beg more angpow to average down ur nhb, dnex and bla bla, life is bautiful and dont easily give up ur pity life
cheap kia, u have lost almost 90% so far. do u need any financial assistant from ur relative, or beg ur mom to give u another rm100 to top up ur shares
cheap kia please dont upset that lost half of ur money in share market, u can beg few hundred ringgit from ur mom to recover ur lost yesterday. pls be happy and dont day dreams at home during cny. hardword to find angpow to buy nhb after cny
cheap kia, did ur mom give u any bonus before cny. better u request from her rm50 so u can buy 100 units of nhb. dont always stay at home and day dreams everyday