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Wow congratulations 30% profit. Last all students was told to buy at 2.30 is mean you all are not chen jian students. Chen's jian students still staying 2.3 high floors. Now still can't see chen jian too high floor. Hahaha....
上天赐予人类donald trump是有原因的,就是让大家focus on working hard,而不是每天炒股票。四月二号,就是恶意满满的reciprocal tariff的一天。什么是对等?他认为的对等可能是你国家set的gst或者sst也算是对他们国家的一种关税。或者中间的运输费他认为应该归零,我们这些小国家应该thank the president for letting the goods in,所以要把全部的运输费吃完,所以他需要用关税,让你照做。