Ramesh Jagaswaren's comment on YTLPOWR. All Comments

Ramesh Jagaswaren
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IBs would quickly take advantage of issues to come up with slashed targets when they know very well of the actual possible value
Microsoft has reportedly cancelled multiple data centre leases across the United States, signalling a potential slowdown in AI-related infrastructure expansion. According to industry analysts, the tech giant has walked away from leases totalling several hundred megawatts (MW) with at least two private data centre operators, while also pulling back on planned international investments.
The decision comes amid growing speculation that Microsoft is in an “oversupply position” following its aggressive push into AI and cloud computing. Analysts have suggested that Microsoft is leveraging power and facility delays as a justification for terminating certain agreements, a tactic previously employed by Meta when it cancelled multiple U.S. data centre leases after scaling back its $48 billion metaverse investment.
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Doc M
That’s US lag , let Mr.Trump handle that . Malaysia is a la la boleh land . Who knows Microsoft would lease it from YTLP for cost effectiveness ! You never know . Stay tuned for the great announcements
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YTLP has been struggling to get tenants for the 100MW AI DC, right? It is unlikely hyperscalers will lease it from YTLP based on the previous estimate of completion by 2nd half of this year, not to mention the restriction on AI chips restrictions. The only viable and logical option is for YTLP to delay the construction/completion of the AI DC until there are tenants leasing it.
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The company is developing a 40-megawatt (MW) data centre for a major US-based tech firm and a 20MW artificial intelligence-dedicated data centre (AI-DC).

"The AI-DC is set to commence operations in July 2025, with an offtaker already secured for a four-year period, though details remain undisclosed," it said.
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Thanks, Alibili. The article is not so clear. Maybe its clearer if we look at it from the AI DC itself which is 100MW. It is split into two IDs - JDC2 (20MW) and JDC3 (80MW). JDC2 will be used by YTL AI and there is no tenant for JDC3 yet since last year. As for the 40MW mentioned in the article, that should be JDC6.
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JDC3 is still under construction
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Correct. That is where the question is - does it makes any sense to complete the construction without tenants versus delaying the construction?
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Doc M
Sifus , why not we arrange a meeting with Francis Y and give him some advice on how to run DC as he must be open-minded to listen to all the good wisdom from here as it helps YTLP and make him more money , I can volunteer to call if you have his mobile
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According to Yeoh Seok Hong:
“Obviously [we do have offtakers]! You must have clients or no bank will finance you ... We can’t announce it because of the NDA (non-disclosure agreement) … We have 500MW capacity and it is growing.”
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I do not have franchis hp number but I have his pa (ms hew) hp number
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Dont have to, Doc. YTLP as a colo provider knows very well what is happening in the industry. Eventually, the revised date for the 100 MW AI DC will be made known to the market. It will not be 2nd half of 2025 without tenants. The 20MW load for YTL AI will probably be on track to be commissioned by 2nd half of 2025; assuming YTLP can get the AI chips from Nvidia in time.
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ic...so everything will b fine and fairly on schedule for YTLPOWR AI DATA CENTRE....WHAT A RELIEF !!!!
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But if you insist on calling him - please tell him to consider cancelling the non tradeable warrants for ytlp and ytlp need not contribute to the UK property project. Whats in it for ytlp in that UK project? Lol, no pun intended.
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Uk property project is under YTLCORP not YTLPOWR
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Ok, reinforced the need to call him to proceed with YTL fund raising and cancel YTLPOWR fund raising exercise :) Both fund raising exercise were issued at the same time and coincidentally after the grand announcement in UK that YTL investing billions pound over the next few years.
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Doc M
Probably text Jensen H to buy 0.1% of YTLP shares , this act would push the price up to RM 10 !
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Greys Chen
us tech stock drop,tmr ytlp continue drop..conlanfirm liao
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Doc M
Bro Chen , your confirmed drop not happening leh … but confirm that you are 吹水王 haha
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Greys Chen
give the bullet fly a while
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