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More than 90% of good performance stocks emerged from general market corrections and bear market. The key is to do your homework while the stock is down; then you will be prepared to make big profits when it turns up …..
老马年代剩下的华人老企业家不多了,楊肃斌是其中之一,Vincent Tan 也是另一位……
有个很奇妙的想法,Ananda 过世后,留下来Maxis(孩子不做生意) 的股权,会不会落入他们两人之中的其中一人之手呢 ? U mobile 有阿公撑腰,杨忠礼有强劲的盈利及现金流支撑,后续如果真是‘蛇吞象’,也是很精采的!
I believe it’s undervalued when YTL falls below 2.20, I bought YTL from 2.17 till 1.73, each time 50 lots or 100 lots, all together bought 1200 lots at average price of 1.97.
But i start selling from 2.17 100 lots each time and switch to buy the calls C97 ,C1D and ytlpower-C70, C76 , just to maximise my profits……..that’s the way Aha Aha….