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Derivatives are very versatile insrtuments. They can be used for hedging ,speculation, and arbitrage…..one of the risks face by a person that trades derivatives is that his mandate to hedge or to look for arbitrage opportunities may become a ‘speculator’…….
ACW, thanks ...negative premium in % , right? ini mcm i peluk to sleep. I like ur confidence , ACW... unique experiences, knowedges and strengths bring to solid confidence...
Humility is great value to move forward! But some people claimed they are better than Warren Buffet! This one I cannot tahan! You know who you are! LOL!
Lion King, you are one of the smartest, whether if is a self-proclaimed or a real one, you know yourself! You don’t have to be tell the rest of the world you are the smartest, you are trying too hard! That is what I see!
Lion King, let me settle this once and for all. You are one of the smartest if not the smartest! Whether it is 20%, 30% or 60% you know yourself! WF’s widely regarded as best of the best is about consistency, years in years out! It is a total portfolio growth percentage that matters! Say whatever you want to say, like Simon Chong, reply to him is absolutely a waste of time! I only here for positive aura, and positive gain in Bursa!