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Grandpine Lee had came out and told all students GPU send to china it will not effects our shares price in malaysia. Lee told because USA close one eye. USA allows this to happen. What actually happened now?
Do you think Trump who want everything made in America will close one eye for China? Trump just wanted to know if the AI chip inside the server in China are from asia oem. If yes, tighten supply chain and export. And this is the reason why stock falling. One alibaba company can kill the whole supply chains and faced a huge fine by Usa for fail to perform due diligence on supplier and customer background.
Remember, at any price transaction,the buyer and seller are always right. The big seller of past two days have reliased losses of 30%. The wisher on the other hand, is holding unreliased losses of 30%. To me both have their good reason. One think like me, another hope that the case will quicky close and business continue as usual. Anyhow, like the story of Noah, who keep warns about the massive flood is coming.. i shall be attacked soon.. byebye
这次GP的事你也看到啦,很多什么都不懂的uncle aunty跑去买咯。我叫他们“weak holder”啦,跟风派的那种。Guru对的时候,他们跟到爽;Guru错的时候,他们每天睡不着,压力大到beh tahan,割肉卖掉咯!so sell off risk is high..好了,我不想人讲我是影响市场情绪的人啦… 所以我会留comment三个小时先delete,希望可以帮到需要帮的人啦。
Us will impose fines if you export certain products to N.korea, Iran.. bla bla bla.. that why MNC comoany will do customer background check...not easy.. but must do...swift code ... haha
JPMorgan's trading desk just issued a
"tactical bearish call" and is recommending investors go short. The rise in tariff uncertainty has prompted many investors to sell stocks and raise cash.
Gold card was a part 5m each, now have 250K line up. This will create 1trillion. USA debt 36trillion. Forecast will have 1m line up equal to 4t. By the end of 2025 debts of USA will drop 20%, and next year mid election will win both party side.
Lower interest rate also will help USA debts. Each rate drop saving 400B,drop 3times as market predict will save 1.2T. Short pain long gain. Trump strategy. We could see Nasdaq will hitting another high.
Singapore export to Malaysia and how. malaysia let this control go out without permission? Maybe a big problem here. Malaysia customer need to answer this question. Will it had any impacts to those Malaysia company?