Wesley Poon Kong Seng

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Joined Feb 2024


actually watch aco this share can forecast the qr is good, but is it expected or much more expected...
2 weeks · translate
從aco(專注出電動車的電線)的業績來看這個多賺是一定的了 只是多賺多少才是個點...
3 weeks · translate
if china wants to sell their weapon to middle east.... israel no more dominate in middle east and usa is become 'baikah' ad...
3 weeks · translate
the copper price is back to half year ago. If scgbhd did have a contract from buyer will keep the price about 4 for few years. Then the earning may skyrocket up...
4 weeks · translate
調低利率是已經是定了 調多少才市重點... 中東我覺得不是是個事... 如果是正規軍參與的話 肯定是世界大戰3爆發了... 以色列被打的話 美國肯定會乖乖在以色列面前擋....
1 month · translate
呃... 應該跟中東局勢沒什麼關係 主要還是 美國那裡有經濟衰退的擔憂...
1 month · translate
i think now is a good time to collect, since it is less attention right now...
2 months · translate
hexcap is former's name called opcom. I am quite most of ppl is surely know that who is in charge of the group... and it's product mainly is producing fibre cable.
2 months · translate
希望吧... 畢竟也沒有在ta身上沒拿多少dividend... 呵呵
2 months · translate
呵呵 聲大=吵架...? 哈哈
2 months · translate
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