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因为如果opr下降的话,银行的定期利息更加不吸引了,多数人宁愿把钱放在股市或者其它投资管道,如果银行的deposit变少了,也代表着借出去的loan跟着变少,加上贷款利息减少直接影响着银行的Net Interest Income (NII) ,所以opr再降的话会直接影响银行的未来收入,也代表着股票更加不吸引。不过个人想法中央银行应该不会再降息了。如果真的不再降息,可能会刺激银行股上升。
Hi Kikat, I also did ask for others opinions if you look at my comment properly, also not interested in arguing about this with you, maybe we should just keep into this topic instead of some boring stuff.
my personal opinion, some bank + REIT + utility + plantation stock mostly keep as dividend stock...if want better dividend payout, can consider Carlsberg/Heineken but sure cannot enter now because their business slowdown and need time to recover..... if want for capital gain, can consider growth stock
@Rave Ong, like tech stock or other like Timecom, Frontkn.....mostly growth stock will have low dividend payment as they need to retain earning for company capital expenditure