Meaw meaw Cat

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Joined Apr 2023


I think bursa need to do something and stop idss for 6 months , others using usd to short whole bursa .
1 day · translate
You Tak takut kena jail ke bro ? @mcmc
2 days · translate
Nta 0.01 , cash in hand 130,000, you are richer than this company.
2 days · translate
48% owned big shareholders own ppl inside , another 20-30% shareholders keep hold no matter what .no panic holder , all confidence and loyal holder .
Have free Aax share and improved cash flow , and going to life up pn17 soon . What make you think can much lower ? Those short , going to rugi .
3 days · translate
If you see those big shareholders who holding , you know today price won’t change much . And last qr and this qr break even only and cash flow get a lot better. Next 2 qr after conversion with Aax , debts should hilang many. Free Aax share otw
3 days · translate
20 sen meaw mau , after convert capital a no more debts( debts moved to Aax ) and yearly 600m to 2b profit possibility . At market capital 1B . You still don’t know why Kamaruddin keep buying last few weeks and last few months I think . This counter worth 2.50 , after the conversion . And it free Aax shares too .
4 days · translate
这些和plantation 有很大关系?
5 days · translate
下个业绩 看看吧。 不然下下个业绩就是淡季了 。
5 days · translate
Genp plantation 安心啦 , 过去是好事 。dividend 新高
5 days · translate
随便啦 meaw 赢钱 , maybank , Genp , cap a LA( 1 年8% 利息 , 都收回了24% )股价还有赚 , Lagenda 1.18 大跌时买, 都拿了几轮利息 , Myeg 0.88 买 , 1.03 卖了 , Ceb 0.31 买 , 0.38 放 和 0.35 全放了 因为看到不对, 后面不敢进回 在等机会,全部赚的, Genm 和Genting 你们说2.2 便宜 , 3.7 便宜 , 为何meaw 不觉得便宜? 因为 meaw 懂。 哈哈 meaw . 他们怎么说 meaw 都开心 。 因为 看到他们心里不平衡才这样 。 meaw
5 days · translate
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