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Joined Aug 2017


Fire start from Loytape Industries boiler (Beside Natiogate) but Nationgate ada or tak ada kena don't know yet becoz those area is full of fire truck now, can not confirm.
1 month · translate
China factory will only impact the revenue at least in Q4YR24 so don't too excited yet. Just wait for opportunity to top up for now.
10 months · translate
Orang yang macam kita sudah tunggu lebih kurang satu tahun d tapi IRIS masih macam itu, naik tak banyak.
4 years · translate
Ai yor yor... nasib baik Iast Friday SELL d because I just wonder why selling volume higher than BUY a lot.
4 years · translate
Becoz this is Bursa. ^O^
4 years · translate
4 years · translate
Most of the Kgroup investor also paper loss. Mostly 40-50% loss.
4 years · translate
Yar, invest in KGROUP is the big mistake because only TALK COCK.

* A company almost losing money every quarter but they still keep on invest into other losing money company like XOX. @_@

* Promote right issue to invest into medical biz but how many month already, u just wanted to start import the test kit & somemore it just only 100,000 units.

* How abt other medical product? Didn't see any shadow yet. @_@
4 years · translate
Don't know but I guess KGROUP will pointing us a new direction to Holland within this week.
4 years · translate
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