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Alan Chin

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Joined Sep 2022


By now whatever EPF share holding disposed off this few months have been bought back by the major stake holder of the company, so now it should be back to the normal market prior to the disposal of share by EPF
2 years · translate
It is very clearly mention by a lots of Expert that there is an over stocking and over supply of glove worldwide at this moment, Gloves is a necessary items in a lots of trades and especially medical line. So given time, this over stocking will be depleted and those factories that are not well manage practically and financially will move out of this glove business. I am no expert in glove but by the market share of Malaysian glove in the world, we can said that our glove sure have its qualities compare to other countries, so price wise don't be too concern about the ASP. Raw imput materails is more important then cheap labours and we have a lots of good natural rubber. So practically all those issues with regards to the glove industries is just temporary only. Given time only, then this industries will be revived back to certain extend, not to those glories days but will be better then now.So this Top Glove share is for those who buy and hold, not for those who play contra or short term gain.
2 years · translate
synthetic rubber cannot replace natural rubber, technically in production whats the imput, come out the output, have china got the right imput, natural rubber, malaysia all this while produce good natural rubber since when ? , so even there is price war, the quality is very important in medical line of gloves
2 years · translate
The transmission of Covid is rising, according to Zoe tracker in UK n also data from UK ONS, but the severity of infection is not that bad, hospitalisation n death is low, but any how there is over stocking of gloves worldwide so the sales n ASP of gloves now is very low, to me i don’t like to made money out of this prolong endemic, so i prefer the price to go up later, maybe next year , i will hold on to my share until then
2 years · translate
Just watch Dr John Campbell youtube broadcasted video on Covid, it seems that the symptomatic cases of Covid is rising again in Uk and the R value now is 1.1, mostly Omicon BA5 variant, youtube.com/watch?v=QAQSKeGuDqU
2 years · translate
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