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Joined Jul 2017


Berani atau bodoh?
1 year · translate
Many comments here saying QR will be good and oversold but if so, why so many major shareholders dumping in huge quantity? Anybody knows why?
1 year · translate
Dah jatuh pulak
1 year · translate
Look at the q at 0.125/0.120 - some big group playing both sides. Sell low ( to create panic ) and then buying it at even lower.
1 year · translate
Kalau fly pun, only monday will take off. Today macam consolidate aje.
1 year · translate
@hasli Mohd- haha . Tak gaduh gaduh, share opinion aje. Kalau u tanya I, rasanya boleh naik kut. Pasai last few days banyak yang cut loss dah cabut . Yang ada hari ni, fresh buyers, so maybe depa akan hold longer. Lagipun, i rasa IV utk saham ni bukan sekurang-kurangnya 0.18 dan ke atas pasai this quarter pun mesti ada perkembangan dalam prestatsi kalau dibandingkan denga quarter sebelum ni.
1 year · translate
Nobody playing any game with you @wei lun lee. I just said the rules are different for closed period and already state all intentions in the announcements. You should read all that first. And by the way this place is not bursa report. Go make a formal report if you think you are right.
1 year · translate
Rules for dealing in closed period different from open market. The director Sunildeep sold his shares during open market
1 year · translate
Banyak dah cabut
1 year · translate
Beli dalam 0.125, lepas tu, nak tp kat harga ape?
1 year · translate
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