Paano JJ

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Joined Feb 2022


开车看不清楚,pose文很清楚没有错字 。 该说你厉害还是怎样
2 years · translate
You had your own opinion and he has his own . Your problem is you accused peoples who different opinions with you . Opinion like a asshol. Everyone’s had they own
2 years · translate
What so intestines jimmy
2 years · translate
所以你就是一个清高之人,喜欢去青楼闲逛,一边吐槽一边嫌弃 。 那为什么你去青楼?
2 years · translate
大家听听这个生花柳的老司机经验之谈吧 。 别投资了 别赌博了 。 谢谢 。
2 years · translate
第二老板要上法庭,卖什么完? awang 是不到1%的前任 。 post也post对的资讯
2 years · translate
推高股价, 怎么会弄他被逼倉 ?
2 years · translate
CK liew . 尼玛是个垃圾 , 这种话你都说得出口。 尼玛是不是孤儿? 没人教你做人
2 years · translate
So you mean we have to pay to teach them a lesson ? Do you want to do that with your poker money?
2 years · translate
Wow yeoh . You are very confident and positive about SB . I doubt how you got that all energy came from
2 years · translate
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