Chiam William

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Joined May 2017


suddenly no have volume
2 weeks · translate
now market slow again, relly not easy to goreng
4 weeks · translate
mtronic enjin havent start, can buy in to keep and wait it fly
4 weeks · translate
hope can up soon
1 month · translate
so is good news or bad news?
1 month · translate
this counter is cheap if compare with another enginering company, ounce google or another digital company based in malaysia, they will get benefit from there
1 month · translate
strong support at 0.015, resistence 0.025, if can hit this level, will fly away
1 month · translate
hubline can from 0.035 to 0.10, mtronic also have chance , is time to show time
2 months · translate
give it some times, will show u wat is power
2 months · translate
rubbish be gold soon
2 months · translate
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