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Joined Jul 2021


Rest in peace Charlie Munger.
1 year · translate
okayy I see thanks a lot sir! will try to apply that in the future.
1 year · translate
I see thanks for the explanation, understand the difference between the two now. How do we calculate Gni and Gci? do we make assumptions?
1 year · translate
hahaa like the way you expressed it, truly an investor.

isn't this compound formula:
C(1 + [ r / n ]) ^ nt
1 year · translate
just sharing my thoughts.

investing requires knowledge, skills and experience but without a capital, we could not do any investment in stock market. for youngsters like us, shouldn't we focus on how to build the first capital?

I have been thinking from time to time, a small amoun of capital couldn't make one wealthy even if compound effects take into account.

what do you think?
1 year · translate
good to hear that from you.

didn't spend much time here nowadays but did take notes from you from time to time and listen to some podcasts from Y-combinator and Acquired on YouTube. just finished listening to the podcast interview with Charlie Munger on Acquired YT channel.

It's difficult to find good companies. however, given with the things you provided and taught, I found two valuable stock counter for me in August, wellcall and ulicorp.
1 year · translate
ok thanks a lot!
1 year · translate
无兄 ,最近还好吗 ?
1 year · translate
choon兄 晚上好,可以介绍些关于经商的书籍吗?
1 year · translate
哦 好的明白 谢谢解释Fool兄!
1 year · translate
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