Limao Orange

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Joined Jun 2021


the next IHH
6 months · translate
海豚跳.. 海豚跳..
6 months · translate
The next Gamuda
6 months · translate
After this month window dressing must sell all, cannot keep Banking stock anymore, interest rate too high until can kill the bank profit easily.
1 year · translate
yeah it is a dream, after this month window dressing must sell, or u may need to hold another 20 yrs..
1 year · translate
Anwar Anwar.. Anwar Anwar..
1 year · translate
1 year · translate
1 year · translate
can la.. no problem.. those research on TV already said 1200, 50 yrs ago can make 4 mil + nowadays, so 100k sure can make 10 mil... 50 yrs ago 1200 maybe can pay deposit to buy a bungalow, so same equal to now 100k, and if u r now 20 yrs old, when u reach 70 yrs old sure got 10 mil
1 year · translate
Anwar sentiasa cakap Integrity Integrity, tapi goreng saham sendiri... haiz
1 year · translate
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