Mr H

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脸书专业:Mr H 股票投资之旅

Joined Jun 2021


aiyo, lazy reply to your comment lar, you the one started to say company hide many issue but you also the one cannot say out the issue. byee and enjoy your weekend
2 years · translate
constructive comments are most welcome, but you only said "company hide many issues", mind to further explain on this? don't just reply something like "buy as much as you can" or "be careful if you hold many MFCB", come on lar, every stocks we bought got the risk also what.
2 years · translate
another 模棱两可 comment by this Nick, when nothing happen to this counter , then you sure quiet, when something happen, then you will come out and say "see, I've told here this company many hidden issue"
2 years · translate
业绩终于出炉,一句话,稳中求胜。只要老挝水力发电没发生任何事情,基本上目前这个股价很便宜了。短期或许没什么看头,但中期有第五粒涡轮,塑料生意的扩张(hexachase & stenta),长期有 plantation 的贡献。继续守下去
2 years · translate
突破50sens , 站稳,就是时候挑战60sens, 如果borrowings 可以持续下跌,我相信市值不可能输 yinson.
2 years · translate
我的亏就是指帐目盈利跌几百几千万,比你们痛几倍。其实你们这些手套粉也是奇怪,既然你们觉得手套被低估,那么不是越便宜越好吗?我先声明我是有帮我妈妈的组合购买 Kossan ,目前账面亏损接近10%左右,会持续 average down, 但也只会占她组合10%左右,这是风险管理。还有我的评论最主要是说那些亏了钱还怪老板的,老板 agm 讲实话都给你们讲,第一次看到,呵呵,不说了,手套粉加油吧。
3 years · translate
看到那些留言说老板嘴多的,我笑了,你们亏那几千几万在那里呱呱叫,人家老板亏的是几百万起跳,而且在 AGM 讲出手套业目前最真实的的情况,何错之有?
3 years · translate
我个人认为50sens 以下都是低估的价格 (前提是油价保持60以上),但目前趋势不在油气股,如果是pre covid 时代,油价70,armada 早就在60sens 以上的价位了。
3 years · translate
去除一次性 non cash expenses, 这个季度的业绩非常好,公司也积极还债,今年还了700m+。要知道公司每个季度的利息开销达到100m, 如果公司每年还1B的借贷,2-3年后的利息开销将会大幅度下跌,进而会提升业绩。只要油价稳定在$60以上,公司未来可期。
3 years · translate
@lawrence 哈哈哈 换回这个帐号了,我要低调所以开了个小号 哈哈哈
3 years · translate
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