luqman pandai

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Joined Jun 2021


u saying TA is shit? kahkah loserrrr.. u know what, ill cook shit for u to eat cos that the only thing u deserve, shitboy..
3 years · translate
kelia la mata mata
3 years · translate
i studied, studying and will keep studying both TA & FA.. i acknowledge the importance of both analyses.. not like u moron worm apek.
3 years · translate
hahah epicNostalgia.. im sure even in short position also he will fail pathetically
3 years · translate
steve the stupid with no knowledge basic.. When almost all great traders/investors/institutions trade based on TA, only imbeciles doesn't believe in it & talks like he so good.. p mampoih la hanat.. bodo pak ang.. ╭∩╮(︶︿︶)╭∩╮
3 years · translate
When that moron said that technical analysis is just a fancy name, then I know he is a retard.. A lot of people including big institutions use TA (wyckoff, elliot etc.).. It is a big thing, it has been in the market since 100 years ago.. benefiting not only traders, but even investors (good one)..
3 years · translate
mkland overvalue u said? such a moron la kahkahkah
3 years · translate
dia boleh naik lg pi 0.05-0.06 tu dlm 9 bulan ni.. kalau ada game buleh lg p 0.1... tapi tu la warrant tak semua ada game hawhawhawau
3 years · translate
lambat g.. tp best ni tidoq lama
3 years · translate
yg beli bawah 0.45 tu ada harapan lg balik modai/untung.. yg beli tinggi pada tu.. taktau nak habaq la.. naiya pak abu
3 years · translate
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