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Zack Ma

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Joined May 2021


My friend, you are buying stocks, which is a very liquid asset. The liquidity is there so that you can buy easily when the investment thesis is good; and corollary to that it also helps you to exit fast to conserve your capital. EPF, which is run by highly qualified professionals, is well aware of this and takes full advantage of the liquidity to exit fast; you should take heed.

Celik mata, and good luck.
3 years · translate
Oh wow, just came across this stock again after I exited more than a month ago. Good to see that it’s still above 30sen, albeit at the lower end. Hopefully many retail investors managed to cut loss.
3 years · translate
DC TY, agree. Looking at their balance sheet and operating cashflow, they can easily borrow from banks (unless the banks know something and don’t want to lend money to them). Doing pp is bad for new retail shareholders, it mainly only benefits the major shareholders because their cost is very low.

The good thing is the share price should run up quite a bit before they set the price for the pp. Trade cautiously guys.
3 years · translate
Wow good spot Alide Lim! Super high ROE, once investors notice this the share price will kaboom! Huat ah!
3 years · translate
哈哈哈哈。。。 死了。
3 years · translate
Definitely a dead cat bounce today, and will drop towards 30sen soon. China is cracking down on commodity prices including copper, and the risk of strict lockdown is looming as cases remain nowhere near peak. Foreign investors will avoid local market, and local funds will sell first to avoid losses. If retail investors are slow to sell, they’ll be the main losers.
3 years · translate
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