John Yeo

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Joined May 2021


Titijaya Directors get big fat Directors fees but sleeping in the office. What activity have they done?? A small dividend for the minority shareholders also don't have. What the fxxx.. are they doing??
3 months · translate
This is another dead counter! What's wrong with the Management?
3 months · translate
I am selling all my Titijaya shares. Management is sleeping! No point of invest in this shares.
3 months · translate
I believe this oil palm company can go to 0.75 sen by next week.
4 months · translate
As shareholders, we expect some dividends to be declared since the company is making profit. But 3 months had been passed after financial year. What's happening to the Board of Directors?? Do you take care of the minority shareholders??
4 months · translate
TTjya, the company is making money, why no dividends for us shareholders?? And why the price is stagnant at 0.27++??
5 months · translate
KWSP is buying until more than 8.25%. I think this counter has a chance to go above 1.20 sen.
5 months · translate
Pharmaniaga, when are you going to uplift from PN17?? Why take so long??
5 months · translate
This counter is terrible! Despite making a small profit but not a single cent of dividend.
5 months · translate
What's happening to this stock? Volume is high but never move! No dividend also??
5 months · translate
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