Jenn Lim

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Joined Apr 2021


Split share is for good?
2 weeks · translate
I blur blurlah. Anyone can please tell ??can buy and keep or not this stock ?
1 month · translate
Kedukut company
1 year · translate
Landing on lower low liao! When going to stop?
2 years · translate
When bayar dividend?Anyone know?
2 years · translate
Profit not attractive
2 years · translate
DY 有20.41,那里还有酱的公司?
2 years · translate
Got potential to go below 70 cents ?
2 years · translate
You had done your best to rebuild but not being appreciated and honoured. This is what the mentality of some Malaysians!!!
2 years · translate
泰国他好像court case settled 了 。不许再踏入泰国
2 years · translate
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