David Ooi

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Joined Mar 2021


Sell to Syed Mokhtar Ok, Even it's lower price. But sell to Chinese company, big No-no.

Good Luck with the so call Madani economy, old wine in the new bottle
11 months · translate
Tan Sri也被手套烧到手了吗,为了一个保险公司减持40%。你信吗
1 year · translate
自从那个Taurx 的消息出来,老板卖了三千万股。接近1.5亿,是其他股票输钱还是等钱用呢
2 years · translate
The Edge had a very conservative stands on Serba issue. I was hoping they could investigate like 1MDB
2 years · translate
Serba have funding issue as well, debts is coming to due. I guess at the end they going to find PNB or Khazanah for money. since this is a bumi company and they all abang adik.
2 years · translate
I imagine EY report is completed. But I wonder why they don't release it, instead dumping entire holding of WA
2 years · translate
如果报告是好的为什么不早点公布呢?为什么要丢WA? 这样不就白白丢掉几百万了吗?
2 years · translate
Suspended by the exchange. This time officially GG
2 years · translate
closed 3.21, next week gonna break 3.3
outdoor theme park and boarder with Singapore opening soon
2 years · translate
fake account就不要来留言了,想问下手套股解套了吗?
2 years · translate
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