Sunny Cheah

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Joined Mar 2021


Sabar2, jangan risau
Yesterday · translate
Hopefully RM3 akn dicapai minggu ni. Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha。
3 days · translate
Too undervalued
1 week · translate
PBA is a no brainer BUY. Why?
Historically since listing in 2002, PBA more or less traded around RM1.00 but back then annual EPS was around 10sen on average. So in a way, you could say market has valued this stock at about 10x PE.

Now PBA is generating more than 10sen EPS per quarter, or 40sen annually. At 10x PE, PBA is worth RM4.00 at least.

It also has net cash of RM230 million +, which makes valuation even more attractive when compared to its market capitalization of about RM800million+.
1 week · translate
Sailang time
1 week · translate
Yes. Backed by strong fundamentals. Stock still has legs to run up further
3 weeks · translate
Another water related stock on the rise to look at is PBA
3 weeks · translate
If you like Ranhill, you will like PBA too. Pure play water stock
3 weeks · translate
Penang langs should be sapuing up PBA shares instead of complaining about jump in water bill
3 weeks · translate
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