Pew Juz

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Joined Mar 2021


均价1.40 左右。最近价位有点偏高
2 weeks · translate
drop interest should pulled from US ma? why keep money In US with low rate?
3 weeks · translate
1 month · translate
poor guy can not tahan ppl earn money. just wait and see.
3 months · translate
ken never study la. kgb core business is uhp gases. vitrox is semicon equipment. different product how to compare.
3 months · translate
volume 太少了,这里随便一个人卖都会limit down
3 months · translate
祖先保佑的话直接买6D 就好一中几千万好过炒股
3 months · translate
green green index
3 months · translate
love you ken
3 months · translate
what mean? I new here
3 months · translate
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