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This company PAT (Profit after tax) for 6 cumulative financial years (from 2014 to 2019) is RM 2,917,477, and their operating cash flow for 6 years total is RM1,666,271 if you divided a total of 6 years of operating cash flow by a total of 6 years of PAT is 57% (Usually over 80% is considered good). In simple say, in the past six years, a company in the annual report say it has earned RM 10 for the past 6 years, but they only collected RM 5.70 out from RM10 they reported in P/L, the remaining of RM4.30 is gone due to bad debts/depreciations and more. Real estate company are hard because they have a very poor cash conversion cycle because when a person buys a house they pay installments and not a lump sum, that why their PAT is always unmatched with their company cash flow
wait they inject 20% new shares into the market, the share price might further drop more...they will add more 116millions more share to dilute the earning, and now this counter gearing ratio is above 50% (THE ONLY ONE REIT IN MALAYSIA GEARING RATIO EXCEED 50%), and this counter MD is former CEO of bank Mualamat which have a bad reputation, google it for yourself, but everyone bet because it's Sultan Johor company and JCorp has a good reputation...do more research before invest..don't purposely chase for dividend yield
Vista tower main properties many vacant, gearing ratio still 40%+ above which consider not good, plus they have Selayang mall which also affects by the spike of the pandemic, is careful of dividend trap, sees their properties locations & place first, now all hot money chasing high DY stocks but don't know the company does what business.