azree firdaus

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Joined Feb 2021


50sen come back come to papa
2 days · translate
esok mcm nak pegi lagi.jgn main jiwa mcm harini.nayaa
4 days · translate
yea. Masih ada sinar.
1 week · translate
org jual sebab cuti rasanya.minggu depan recover the process
1 week · translate
be positive.looking into the vol and buying pressure,looks like there's a chance of increase more. TAYOR.
8 months · translate
petang dia Mari kemon
10 months · translate
tunjukkan kehandalan anda esok
10 months · translate
10sen tomorrow lessgo. dream is free :D
10 months · translate
if the price can maintain at 6.5cts and not drop below that,might have chance.if straight away go up 7cts above, goreng time.
10 months · translate
people buy because the counter can resume back for trading.but PN17 announcement might be a pullback tomorrow.u never know.pn17 also goreng2 one.
10 months · translate
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