Tracy Lim

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Fame: 35
A happy value investor

Joined Jan 2021


I think you were right.. yesterday drop was very much political motivated, or as you said "to wash out the weak hands"...
3 years · translate
4 years · translate
Finally... 这两个星期的辛苦忍耐是值得的
4 years · translate
坦白说,看着股价一直跌心里还是蛮不好受的,但庆幸自己的坚持 - "除非基本面改变,不然紧抱着母股 + bonus + warrants,说什么也不卖!" 朋友们,为我们的信念及坚持干杯!
4 years · translate
No la.. never all in any counter even though I like it very much.. always distribute the risk into various sectors
4 years · translate
haha.. good counter must share ma..
4 years · translate
I have been sharing SCIB for more than 8 months... Why? Because I think it's a very potential counter and hope can share with my fellow Malaysian investors.. You're right, just consider my view as your reference, and everyone should do the study before invest!
4 years · translate
Haha Mtran, if Karim can double the market cap in 12 months time, those who bought @ 1.00 last year would have already achieved ~2000% (if you add in free warrants and premium)... What if Karim continues to perform in the coming 3-5 years? So it is totally plausible...
4 years · translate
耐心等待的必有回报! 朋友们,为自己的坚持鼓掌吧!
4 years · translate
哇,难道梦想真的可以成真!? SCIB 今天的走势漂亮极了! 希望上升趋势持续。。
4 years · translate
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