fan chaowang

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Joined Jan 2021


2 years · translate
The price very stagnant …..
2 years · translate
I think entry price would be around 3.2
2 years · translate
green- ya. Just keep cash and wait, cash is king. Hold cash if got chance can slowly masuk hahaha.
2 years · translate
thomas- 买是肯定会买的,我本身也持有,期间也进出了几次,最高% 是110多%,。目前也还在持有少数的票,但坦白说,现在补也是太早了点。 我的观点是靠近2.8-3 或者美国升息两次后才慢慢入场。现在先存钱 到时候才有本金
2 years · translate
Green- most likely will drop until next week, then have a small rebound, then sideway again before forming another new uptrend. Tech trend might only come back at the end of the year
2 years · translate
Green- ya, I think pe 20-30 would be safe to start enter by batch. Tech is differ from glove , tech have continuous grow. Now is affected by the sentiment. So can just prepare cash and hoot .
2 years · translate
Green- but I hope is 0.5, because my opinion is if only 0.25 means the worst still haven’t come, then the market for tech will be still volatile, but if 0.5, although at the moment will affected , but long term I think will be stable
2 years · translate
I think would be 0.25?
2 years · translate
Green- I will wait usa raise the first rate first, then just monitor how this stock do. But overall this is a good stock, 3.0-3.8 I think is good price to buy
2 years · translate
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