Jack Woh

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Joined Dec 2020


外资会流入种植板块吗 ?
2 years · translate
等 月尾 budget 2022 和 SIR 爽重惊喜 .. SIR有什么意外,至少还有budget 2022顶着
2 years · translate
AP pay so much. AR get nothing... certain contractors are very happy I guess.
2 years · translate
Jack tan, ancom offer 的是根据那个时候ancom share price 的算法… in short, 他的offer是,如果你hold nylex share, 你会拿到 1) cash balance distribution from nylex 0.39sen/share (应该没记错) 2) ancom share, 大概 3 nylex share = 1 ancom share 3) at the same time, still remain you nylex share

多过一块也没什么影响,那个是nylex 自己的 share price 可是after acquisition 后, nylex will be a net cash company with 10/15 mil. 他需要自己去寻找下一个business
. 到时候 nylex share price 一定会调整的
3 years · translate
peter, i buy @ 0.9, as long as ancom share go as forecasted, above 2 and keep spiking or even go down to 1.7, buy nylex is actually quite worth.. just that you need to be really really patient until the acquisition process done, which falls on Q4 2021 if nott mistaken.
3 years · translate
Get 1 ancom share, get cash, nylex share retained. You think how’s operator going to play if you were him XD
3 years · translate
哈哈哈 马股很忙 要看美股 要看国内外政治 现在还要看恒生
3 years · translate
lousy banker and its staff ever ... mother drop 1 you drop 1, mother up 3 you up 1... no wonder no ppl wanna buy.. wish your biz day day up.. worse than mbb
3 years · translate
恭喜 jason赚钱 等明天cmsb 更上一层楼... gogogo
3 years · translate
woi... ! so undervalued. ! go follow C30 & 31 premium
3 years · translate
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