Su Vendra

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Joined Apr 2017


there will be no limit up tomorrow. as usual the IB's will keep pushing it down. normal trend with Pecca whenever got good news. for long term holders, this would be good time to get in
1 month · translate
now we know why the IB's tried to push down the price to collect. looks like Pecca will be minting it with this new agreement...
7 months · translate
this is probably consolidation point, would expect after some stabilising, Pecca will continue it's upward trend.
9 months · translate
yeah, my guess is the Big guys know about some good news coming out soon & are pushing the price down to collect
1 year · translate
This is good now red, all the short term holders selling, long term holders can rejoice in the near future. hopefully they will get some attention at the Aviation show in Germany. Future certainly looking up :))
1 year · translate
you run, real investors will sit back & enjoy the show
1 year · translate
if you are patient, it's gonna pass RM 1.17 in the near term.
1 year · translate
with this news, anything under RM 1 will be considered a good entry. especially when certain players will push the prices down today & maybe tomorrow to collect. Good luck getting in the bandwagon
1 year · translate
Perodua reporting 220,000 outstanding bookings to be fulfilled as of January 2023. should be another boost for Pecca. lovely..
1 year · translate
Slowly but surely... it will. Patience is key here.
1 year · translate
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