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Mohon SPRM, SSM, BANK NEGARA, BURSA bantu lah banyak retailer sedang menunggu berita tindakan secepat
Duit raya habis buang ke lautan jikalau pihak masih ragu2 tanpa tindakan keras
most important the retailers stop averaging down, when price drop to 0.1 or 0.5 if u continue to average down , the more u average down, the more you lose & all investment will go to the sea.
dont be greedy, the price will not go up until you lose all your money n
dont believe news from selfish owner vincent claim boycott only hurt msia???? yes it hurt bjfood but what about more than 30k innocents women children killed by usa n israel?? wake up n dont be selfish to care for own interest. send yr donations to palestinian.