Ch Koh

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Joined Nov 2020


Do you have any chance to go back to RM6?
1 month · translate
thank you jati tinggi group
5 months · translate
when do you want to wake up ?
8 months · translate
I waited 1.5 months to break even. hopefully it is worth waiting until the dividends are paid
8 months · translate
sell now to break even or wait until November for dividends?
8 months · translate
ah i see. It means direct transaction can happen although the share are suspended?
2 years · translate
based on announcement on 1st Nov, does it mean the directors/shareholders want to buy/sell serbak shares?
2 years · translate
1.7 sen is RM17.00
2 years · translate
1.75 ! keep going
2 years · translate
1.7 sen per share @stephy
2 years · translate
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