Khai Lee

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Joined Nov 2020


good QR.. anyone know if they are able to renew their pioneer status tax rebate for next year?
1 year · translate
agree.. that's the only way to avoid odd lots
2 years · translate
actually consolidating is good for collection... monthly DCA and if they are paying better or same DPS, it is better than putting in FD already~
2 years · translate
现在说好像会有点马后炮。可是比起同行的,RCE一直都被低估..即使现在,PE也才10+.. 然后通告上说 shariah conpliance可以在这季度完成.. 利好自然比较多
2 years · translate
好的股,回调很正常.. 毕竟70sen冲到现在了..
2 years · translate
congrats to all that are holding.. or doing monthly DCA.. even at current price, DY still stay above 6%.. 好过放FD~
2 years · translate
Vietnam full lockdown last quarter. Malaysia also same with limited workforce.. if you are comparing qoq, compare the workforce availability too~
2 years · translate
是咯....等着九月的offer吧.. 这股真的没太大的担忧.. PE 也比同行的来的低..
3 years · translate
股息股,慢慢收.. 又有成长 , 好想加仓~~
3 years · translate
股息股,都是乘低吸入的吧.. 在座的,也应该hold蛮久了~
3 years · translate
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