Charles Tee

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Joined Nov 2020


Fong...真的,每次升都说自己低买高卖,可是又每次来这里唱衰人家,真的很像神经病....像那种亏傻了每天幻想自己还能回本的人,哪里跌到哪里爬起来?所以死死抓着这股来幻想 哈哈哈哈哈
3 years · translate
easy money hahaha,割到老千的毛了哈哈哈之类的等等
3 years · translate
那么讨厌这支你就走远点不要看,每天来这里瞎bb找什么存在感,又要唱衰人家又要买?attention seeker有病得治
3 years · translate
3 years · translate
3 years · translate
Diam la bruce, only comment when u have ticket on hand please, if wanna boost INIX then go there thx
3 years · translate
Hahaha, crash upwards? When? Monday? Thats funny
3 years · translate
Then with same theory applied, i bet you kena burned by vivo too, and the reason you keep commenting bad about vivo is because you wanna buy cheap, please la, be a man, wanna buy then say wanna buy, if dun plan to buy at all then diam 7, dun keep commenting thr, nobody willing to see your comment thr ok
3 years · translate
Bruce any of your business if you are not buying? Go back your AT to be a loyal dog la, dun be a silly hater, not buying then please siam far far far away
3 years · translate
Diam la, if you not buying this counter then just go away. Don't keep laughing at people when price drop and talking abt other counters when price up. This doesnt make u looked pro but silly
3 years · translate
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