Pek Kiang Nam

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Joined Oct 2020


1 month · translate
wow, new high wor
1 month · translate
barbecue了 还买了htpadu那么多票
1 month · translate
sure not related to niise, because the edge already mentioned dsonic not shortlisted ealier
1 month · translate
how come? the edge said was excluded from the shortlist?
1 month · translate
what happened?
1 month · translate
应该还是会派息的,只是不用expect QR会有惊喜
4 months · translate
业绩肯定会比上季度差的,因为这个季度是没有deliver IC,投行一早就说了
4 months · translate
last time the edge said htpadu not contender, how come now become one of them?
4 months · translate
you said dsonic not shortlisted in the first round, how come now suddenly secure the project?
4 months · translate
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