haimi elisya

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Joined Oct 2020


pembelian bundle sudah in this morning,show will start soon
3 years · translate
director dah dispose habis licin,trader yang sangkut di harga atas,kene bertukar kpd mode investor
3 years · translate
yes corect guy, xox hong kong aquired 34mil this stock for goreng purpose. SM wil find the way to up this stock,need patient a lot,super penny rite,normal lah
3 years · translate
Ready to goreng soon. like i said before,kaunter goreng like dgb no need to see que whatever crap, once goreng,we sell
3 years · translate
normal retailer thought now is the time to sell, that is why normal retailer always kena makan with smart money and buy at puncak. normal retailer problem
3 years · translate
esok masih sempat in before fly.. ini gorenh punye kaunter..hury2 geng
3 years · translate
just park n wait, this is super penny stock,u knew the rule,wait goreng time n sell high,tjen leave. simple as that
4 years · translate
this stock sesuai utk beli bagi yg mereka biasa follow aquired besar dr director/company. masa utk stock ini fly lama sbb kita masuk hrg rendah bersama director,need to wait at least until next QR
4 years · translate
bro.. news and aquired is diff bro. xox just aquired on 18jan2021, at this stage SM buy early. dont be beli pucuk trader
4 years · translate
siapa yg baca laporan latest QR opensys mesti akan hold for invest. invest ya,not trade,jgn beli hari ni mggu dpn nk TP. at least hold until next qr.
4 years · translate
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