Assoc. Prof. Hon Kah Wye (kwhon)

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Joined Aug 2020


very strange, when some ppl buying other curse why? no your money what. seem like they one the share go down then they sapu
3 years · translate
jp morgan is large financial institution
4 years · translate
Jp morgan is nuts but people listen. they the want to sell u think they will tell you. i think they want to push price down so they can buy. How come other country glove not same trend. Jp morgan is all about their bottom line and you think they want to give you advice.
4 years · translate
pet p i think you r right. in america get people where mask pun susah. u think they one to take vaccine ahh.
4 years · translate
my opinion still good. have to see america says distribution big problem. also even got vaccine american might not one to take it, just like wearing face mask pun so much problem.
4 years · translate
see what biden says distrubition big problem
4 years · translate
what this expert always right damaging articles.
4 years · translate
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