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Abdul Sali bin Madsali

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Joined Aug 2020


幸好忍痛割了AT 年少无知上了贼船 血淋淋的教训
4 years · translate
一天跌一点不要紧 人家骂的时候 就是进场的时候了 恭喜发财各位
4 years · translate
otw to holand, everyday drop abit, warm water cook frog
4 years · translate
紧急状态 无关经济 只关系到政治 都不明白在恐慌什么 难怪多数散户都是韭菜
4 years · translate
when people start blocking,u know what the meaning is
4 years · translate
股票1000支 每只都起 你有本事买完吗 看好一只股就耐心等 看人家起就动摇 心态不平衡 何必呢
4 years · translate
压压压 反弹的时候就知道厉害了
4 years · translate
it's not the probability problem, is your ability to have the risk, and your opinion about the company. If the company is losing few yrs of course to be honest nobody would dare to invest, but if the company is doing something which might lead the company to be profitable,why dont we try it, but then it need to be judged by yourself
4 years · translate
focus on the point,not my race...
4 years · translate
看了很多说这个股长期亏损不值得买 换另外一个角度 若公司转亏为盈 涨幅难道会比稳健成长股来得小吗? 见仁见智 没买卖建议
4 years · translate
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