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Fatah Nuruzzaman

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Joined Aug 2020


Tgok dkt mana mcdx, sbb dlm trading view xada. Atau kena subscribe?
3 years · translate
Thank god I cut loss, and put my capital on others stock. Now already managed to recover 45% loss from ruberrex. I think better we focus on post covid stocks
3 years · translate
Awantec terbang ke awan nano, hold je for mid to long term. Baru bo Cup & handle pattern. Good catalyst & qr.
4 years · translate
What the f keep dropping?? If cut loss last week and put on other counter, now already can cover the loss. I'm done. Bye2
4 years · translate
What happen to this stock? Everyday drop even qr good. I'm stuck at 2, don't know should hold or just cut loss. Haiyaaa..
4 years · translate
Why epf keep disposing this stock?
4 years · translate
Kalau beli 20/1 dpt tak warrant
4 years · translate
Renewable energy stock got huge potential. Now Biden also focus on greener & sustainability source of energy. I believe in this stock can fly higher. Previously already can reach rm8
4 years · translate
The chart for glove sector looking pretty solid
4 years · translate
Vaccine sentiment. need to take precaution actually , even Dpharma & pharmaniaga drop so much last week. But, bintai, solution & hwgb can go up.
4 years · translate
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