lucky eight

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Joined Aug 2020


It is to let users know your habits, not to let you know the habits of users.Enterprise is to make money, not to accompany.How to make money by selling only condoms ,Alcohol and water in the middle of the night?
6 months · translate
People who go to hypermarket to buy things know that 99 is much cheaper than it.another walmart in Malaysia.In the end, the price is everything...
6 months · translate
Business can't be calculated in this way.This kind of time is the time of people's normal life.It is enough to open for a few hours when there is business, and it is useless to open for 24 hours when there is no business.
6 months · translate
Take care bro
1 year · translate
0.10 okliao,can keep now for election....
2 years · translate
@jack huat!真正的平常人一生带过几次手套,就算疫情期间有多少平常人戴手套?还有这块大肥肉已经被全世界分割了。
2 years · translate
All right.Value investment.Everyone has their own way of investing. This is just my opinion. Thank you.
2 years · translate
Don't invest with assumptions. You can predict.But it's better to go with the flow and quit while you're ahead.
2 years · translate
Whether it's 30 seconds or three years.The more you lose, the more you double, and the more you lose.To refuse to lose is always the overall situation in investment or gambling.
2 years · translate
Nothing is impossible in the world. Don't use the mentality of gambling.Follow the trend.
2 years · translate
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