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Joined Aug 2020


Their management really s0hai, badly corrupted knncb
2 months · translate
S0hai annjoo management team, knn announce rights issue during bull market time. SoLinHai
2 months · translate
Mahai dog, news out but drop
2 months · translate
Diam 7 lah knn, keep deleting comment and repost
3 months · translate
狗庄 , useless stock
3 months · translate
Dont be bodoh
3 months · translate
Lanciao then strong rebound
3 months · translate
Yes, tung eng hai has a ridiculous big dream to list his company on main board in year end with lapsap QR performance over the past few quarters
3 years · translate
真的忍无可忍了 要炒就好好炒啦 才炒到6毛就停了 庄真的够穷
3 years · translate
真心希望你的生意做不下去 根本垃圾counter 这样差拜托不要出来上市还讲要上主板 丢kedah的脸幹你拿
3 years · translate
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