truth seeker

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Joined Aug 2020


without covid and without taking account of global awareness of the importance of gloves, based on past record and industry CAGR a return of 20% compounded each year is reasonable

But that's my very conservative calculation. Looking at Tan Sri vision with huge expansion of factories to meet rising global demand post covid, a return of 150% - 200% in three year is within reasonable expectation - with or without vaccines
4 years · translate
Doesn't mean TG will not grow anymore.
Do check its growth before covid.
Do check forecast global demand for gloves on normal circumstances.

Covid speeds up the growth of TG, not created it
4 years · translate
为什么要买 Topglove and hold for the long term (at least 3 years)

1. Huge international market presence (produce one fifth of the world production of rubber gloves)

2. Lead by a high integrity and visionary leader (check recent Tan Sri Lim interviews)

3. Able to generate one of the highest sales growth compared to other companies in Bursa (on average around 22% each year compounded)

4. Operate in one of the highest CAGR growth industry, ie 13% compounded growth for global disposable gloves
4 years · translate

你看看Pentamaster 你就知道我多后悔当时没长期持有。

4 years · translate
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