Pek Pek Wong

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Joined Jul 2020


Feel like dis esceram wan squeeze dry the share price before issuance of new shares .. esos 0.11 omg
3 weeks · translate
But not all investors see dat way, only can hope tomolo hope no too much panic seller ..
1 month · translate
Hi bro Eddy wads your view on the released qr result? Isit good qr or bad? Cos the qr report mention profit mainly is from land disposal?
8 months · translate
Yea but convert and issue took time rite?
11 months · translate
Hi eddy how u know that the share are all done converted ?
11 months · translate
Hello i hav a question here, anyone can help? If i subscribed the said warrants to mother share, when will the mother share will be deposited to my account?
11 months · translate
Today last day for qr loh …
1 year · translate
李小龙说过,我不怕练过一万种踢法的人,但怕一种踢法练过一万次的人,做生意也是如此,一有钱就乱乱扩张别的领域是很错误的,因为自己根本不熟练,一心一意的搞好老本行才是王道,商机总会回来 !我不认为他真的输了, 毕竟他大把时间等。半年一年只要一个报道说手套股被严重低估时,随时都会迎来一个大反弹。 纯属个人看法如果得罪请别在意。
1 year · translate
Most deal are done at .075 and .080 still nid to becareful, up all the way from .035 to .09 ,i afraid will hav retracement soon , i leave for now wait if got chance to in .06 or not
1 year · translate
Hold or not tomolo?
2 years · translate
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